cut-e scales verbal
cut-e's verbal reasoning questions test your ability to understand and analyze the information provided in the text, as well as your ability to draw relevant and accurate conclusions. Different tests are available depending on the job you are applying for.
In this type of cut-e test, several short texts are presented to you in different tabs. Each tab contains a short text divided into 3-4 sections. Each of these texts is part of the same data document concerning a company, for example, different parts of an annual report for verbal scales (finance).
The cut-e scales verbal contain between 42 and 49 questions (depending on the job) presented in the form of statements, each one referring to one of the tabs. Your task is to select the relevant tab, review its contents and then decide whether the statement's assertion is true, false or whether the information provided is insufficient to decide in either of the cases.
In the original test, you can only view one tab at a time. However, you can move between tabs as many times as you like.
cut-e scales verbal Practice Test
Exclusively, we created the only simulation practice test of the English cut-e verbal reasoning test.
The test pack includes:
- Complete 12-minute simulation (17-minutes with instructions).
- 49 verbal reasoning questions in the style of verbal cut-e scales.
- Answers with concise explanations for each section.
- Tests are provided in PDF format for printing convenience.
- Secure payment & FAQ.
- A true statement must be corroborated in its entirety by the relevant tab.
- A misrepresentation must be at least partially contradicted by the corresponding tab.
- A "cannot say" statement is the one where you cannot confirm nor refute on the basis of the relevant tab.
Our advice
Make sure you only base your answers on the information given in the tabs.
You have about 15 seconds to answer each question, so the time limit is the main challenge of this test.
Here's the strategy we recommend:
Before you even start answering questions, look at the tab titles and quickly browse the titles of the sections of each tab. Don't spend too much time doing it; it is only a matter of providing you with a very basic knowledge of the information that you will have to screen through during the test.
With each new question, try to accumulate more and more information about tabs. After 10-15 questions, you should be able to tell what each tab is about, which will make it easier to find the relevant tab in subsequent questions.
Here is an example of a verbal reasoning test with six questions. This example is shorter and much simpler than the original test, therefore the only goal is to get used to the type of question. You have three minutes to answer questions.

1. Proximus has been using OneDrive software since 2018.
- True
- False
- Cannot say
2. Gender equality at Proximus is represented by an equal number of female and male employees.
- True
- False
- Cannot say
3. 2,000 employees now arrive at work by public transport, including 1200 by bus and the rest by metro and train.
- True
- False
- Cannot say
4. Michel D. is the president of the College of Commissioners.
- True
- False
- Cannot say
5. Compensation consists of medium- and long-term variable insurance premiums.
- True
- False
- Cannot say
6. Disintermediation is likely to increase in the coming years.
- True
- False
- Cannot say
The Different Tests of the cut-e scales verbal
scales verbal (admin)
This test includes verbal information presented in various forms such as texts, lists or articles. The candidate must then assess whether a statement presented is true, false or impossible to determine.
scales verbal (consumer)
This test measures the candidate's ability to draw logical conclusions from complex verbal information presented in different articles on different topics. Each topic has a question which the candidate must answer.
scales verbal (finance)
In this test, the candidate is confronted with various articles of a rather complex financial nature from which he must draw logical conclusions in order to answer different questions.
scales verbal (industry)
In this test complex verbal information is presented in different articles. The candidate must determine whether the statement presented is correct or not.
scales verbal (instruct)
This test is presented as well as all verbal tests. Its peculiarity is that the texts presented are registration manuals or texts with simple instructions. Here the candidate must also assess whether a statement presented is correct or not.
Tests | scales verbal (admin) | scales verbal (consumer) | scales verbal (finance) | scales verbal (industry) | scales verbal (instruct) |
Duration (without and with instructions) | 12 and 16 minutes | 12 and 17 minutes | 8 and 12 minutes | ||
Available on | computer, tablet, phone | ||||
Common languages | Chinese, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Spanish | ||||
Additional languages | Danish, Greek, Dutch, Lituanian, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Swedish, Czech | Korean, Danish, Finnish, Dutch, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Swedish, Turkish | Albanian, Danish, Finnish, Greek, Dutch, Latvian, Latvian, Polish, Romanian, Swedish, Czech | Bulgarian, Croatian, Greek, Dutch, Japanese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Czech | Arabic, Korean, Finnish, Indonesian, Japanase, Malaysian, Filipino, Slovak, Swedish |