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Cubiks Personality Tests

Learn all you need to know about Cubiks personality tests (PAPI and Factors) with free online examples.

Cubiks offers two personality tests:

  • The first, Cubiks Factors, is intended to screen candidates during the recruitment process.
  • The second, PAPI, improves the development process within the company.

Take a sample personality test here.

Cubiks Factors

The Cubiks Factors Personality Test is a professional assessment carried out during the screening stages which is based on data analysis. This test allows skills to be linked to the performance of candidates, especially for positions requiring a significant screening process.

How Does Cubiks Factors Work?

Cubiks Factors is based on the Big Five personality assessment model, which has been adapted to meet the demand and professional requirements of today's workplaces. It consists of 6 factors or 6 personality traits:

Big FiveCubiks FactorsPresentation
Be conscientiousMotivation (Drive)This personality trait covers passion, determination, efforts to achieve one's goals.
DependabilityThis personality trait covers the structure, the planning of an individual.
NeuroticismAdaptabilityAdaptive capacity focuses on an individual's ability to cope calmly and optimistically with pressure and change.
AgreeablenessSupportivenessThis trait corresponds to the moral support of an individual, his inspiration and his search for harmony.
ExtraversionAssertivenessAssertiveness covers facets of personality such as self-confidence, the ability to express oneself and defend one's opinions.
OpennessCreativityThis personality trait generally describes an individual's ability to imagine or construct a new concept or to find creative solutions to existing problems.

The Cubiks Factors test lasts for about 10 minutes and includes 54 statements. The candidate must select in a scale from 1 to 7 how much he or she agrees with the proposed statement.

Example of the Cubiks Factors

Cubiks Factors: Sample Personality Tests by Cubiks (PSI)
© Cubiks Group Limited

Cubiks PAPI

The Personality and Preference Inventory (PAPI) personality tests are the most popular personality tests of the Cubiks group and are widely used by recruiters around the world. For more detailed information - PAPI - personality test.

CubiksNumber of itemsLength of testLadders
PAPI N (normative)126 claimsAbout 25-30 minutesFrom 1 (Strongly disagree) to 7 (Strongly agree)
PAPI I (ipsative)90 claimsAbout 25-30 minutesYou will have to choose between Most (if the statement is something you identify yourself with) or Least (if you do not)

Cubiks PAPI N Example Question

Cubiks PAPI N (Normative): Personality and Preference Inventory (Papi) - Personality Tests Sample Question
© Cubiks Group Limited

Cubiks PAPI I Example Question

Cubiks PAPI I (Ipsative): Personality and Preference Inventory (Papi) - Personality Tests Sample Question
© Cubiks Group Limited

Cubiks Personality Questionnaire Tips

  • In a personality test, there is no right or wrong answer. Some answers correspond to the job you are applying for, others less or not at all. Do not try to guess which answer is more appropriate for a given job, but rather follow your usual behaviour. Doing it will only harm you because, even if you get the job, your abilities or your behaviour will not match with the requirements. On the other hand, it is important for you to know the expectations of the company for which you are applying. Before the test, take a look at the company's website, it will often describe what skills, behaviors and competencies are valuable for them. By doing this, you will learn more about the company and its values, which will allow you to evaluate better the expected responses during the personality test.
  • Take your time to answer the questions, these tests are not limited in time, so you have plenty of time to think carefully about your answer.
  • Do the test in a quiet environment that will allow you to focus and answer questions in complete serenity.